Here is me waiting for David to take the picture....come on already!! LOL

Here I am on the rocky place next to the blowholes....and let me say the camera was set for David so really he just had to click the button, but kudos anyway!

After our first "rocky" experience, pun intended....we set off to find our nesxt stop! I know some of it looks very much the same to you all, but really as you drove around each section of the beach had something new to offer...so bear with me. We stopped at this beautiful cove because theh water was so blue and the different shades were amazing. And there was a little tent shop where we walked up and a local seller said,

After our first "rocky" experience, pun intended....we set off to find our nesxt stop! I know some of it looks very much the same to you all, but really as you drove around each section of the beach had something new to offer...so bear with me. We stopped at this beautiful cove because theh water was so blue and the different shades were amazing. And there was a little tent shop where we walked up and a local seller said,
"Hey can I offer chu one of our leetle feegures, gut price...for you...." All said in his unmistakable accent. We did not want any feegureenes, especially since they were REALLY risque...actually Rated R for clay! Terrible!!! Anway, we did want a hammock but they were asking $50, we said no thanks and jumped on our moped to head away when of course he said "how much you pay? We give good price" We told him $25, he said no and walked away but when we started the engine he came back and gave us the deal.....GREAT until we later bought an even nicer one for $15...so much for bartering!

This was our ALL TIME FAVORITE spot the entire trip! It was the most beautiful crystal clear water, and it was in a cove where you could just swim of wade, or lay out on the beach. There were a few people there but not many. Some were snorkeling....
We had a great time here until I looked over, I wasn't too shocked to see a girl laying out on her stomach with her bikini straps untied, very normal even for here. I got in the water with David and we splashed and got some pics and then I went to put the camera in my bag and nearly tripped and fell face forward or caught a fly for my mouth was hangning wide open in shock that the woman as spoken of before had now rolled over to her back but had not bothered to tie on her top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH Does she even realize there are husbands, young boys ...for crying out loud I DO NOT want to see that!!!!! I ran back and was like...."David you cannot go back over there.....if you need something I will get it." He was as shocked as I was and more than willing to stay put!

Here we are cruising on our moped. Sorry these are the best pics I have to offer, we never stopped to get a pic of us riding it! I probably would not have trusted anyone anyway since I took my professional camera....

Here we made our 3rd stop. By this time we are starving so we found a restaurant on the beach and stopped for more sand, water and food! We had fajitas and COKE of course because that is all they have there.
What a great experience and what great pics... I love the rear view pic one... awesome... thanks for sharing and yes we will pray for David's family
Beautiful! Going to a warm beach is really tempting right about now. It's freezing up here! =) Glad you all were able to spend some quality time together.
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