Friday, April 4, 2008

What about MY plans?

Today I had a humbling experience..... Thursday I realized my camera lens was not working, and I have 2 photo shoots this weekend! So this morning I woke up with a "great" idea....I can rent a lens! I located a place by phone had it all set except for the HARD part, loading 4 boys in the car to go to a tiny shop filled with equipment worth more than we could imagine! Considering it is Houston it wasn't too far of a drive, but we had the LECTURE

"Now boys when we get there DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!!!!!! It is all breakable and costs a lot of money!"

Just the thought of taking them in there could have sent me into panic mode! So we get there, it is a TINY little room full of camera equipment and right away Brayden asks for something, Kai only wants to see the dog that is behind the counter barking, but all in all they were very good! I talk to the lady working the counter and she begins to help me set up an account to begin renting from them, I need a driver's liscence and a Credit card. So i pull out the DL and my visa debit. She proceeds to tell me it has to be a credit card not debit. Just to let you all know we do not own a credit card. David and I have cut them all up so that we will always live on only the money we have. If we do not have the money we do not buy it. I calmly tell her I do not have a credit card and hold my tongue from going into full detail about our beliefs....but she reaffirms I have to have a credit card in order to rent equipment.
So I close my mouth in order to hold in the huge amount of irritation I feel wants to come out. I walked out calmly (on the outside) without a word, it was quiet yet ever so rude as she said she was sorry and I did not even respond!
I went over and over again in my head how can people punish those for living responsibly!!!! After I loaded up my kids and drove all the way over here, left the house without food ( as a Mom with young children that is a huge problem), I managed to get them all in a tiny store which can be a nightmare with 3 active boys....on and on. Not to mention the fact I still have the looming photo sessions with no lens!

Boy did my conscience begin to work on me.. even though I did not speak rudely my attitude did not reflect that I am entrusting my plans to Him that He will work out the detials of my life even though I cannot see the result. I had planned my day without consulting Him. I had worked out all the details of how to accomplish this problem but forgot to involve Him in my decisions.
I am driving and verses keep coming to mind..
"For I know the plans I have for you, they are plans for welfare, and not calamity. Plans to give you a future and a hope."
"My ways are not your ways, as far as the heavens are above the earth so my thoughts are above yours."
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own undersdtanding, in ALL your ways acknowledge him and He will direct your paths."
"I will look to the Heavens from where does my help come? My help comes from the Maker of Heaven and earth!"

I had to give this issue over to Him recognizing my inability to solve anything. I need Him in EVERY area of my life.
I also felt a need to call the lady and apologize for walking out on her. I know I didn't yell at her, or speak unkind words but my non responsiveness to her was all that was needed to tell her I was upset and that MY plans were ruined! I called her and she graciously accepted my apology....the freedom I felt that she was now able to see Christ in me....
NOT because I had done anything righteous, but IN SPITE OF the flesh which was so prevalent in me this morning! Oh the grace that He provides in abundance to each of us each day as we continually fall short of righteousness! It is more than we ever have or will deserve!!!!