Pictures taken on my IMAC...its about the only way I make it into the photo!!!

So what to talk about...well I am going to be making a move to cloth diapers! After 4 kids I decided it was time to go cloth! Why has it taken me so long. In all my research I am blown away that I didn't change long ago.....I tried with our 4th, and my husband thought it was too you can actually miss the "cloth diaper boat?"....Anyway..this time around we are taking the plunge!
SO any opinions or advice are always helpful! Because I am completely illiterate in this area. But I am researching and trying to learn as much as possible.
We still attend our class every Tuesday for school. Classical conversations. The kids are doing amazing...learning so much! I can hardly believe how much they can absorb. My brain goes to mush after a few simple facts they just keep going. Like the energizer bunny. They especially love playing their tin whistles....and singing all the facts.
So today...Tate comes up with the cutest things to say. He said "I have to go potty" which he always announces to us all...he runs to the bathroom and loudly proclaims.."the light is of" Now this is a HUGE issue with him. He will not go tot the bathroom without the light on. David says to him, "go in your bathroom" bc the light was on in there....Tate responds
"What does that mean, my bathroom?"
OMG, he is so stinkin' cute!!!
He says things like that ALL the time. I NEED to write them down in his journal so I can reflect on them one day...but alas, when to do so, ...thus the reason I have not written on this blog in so long!
Well thats it for now...Oh that reminds me of another Tate..
When he used to pray he would say.."Thank you God for....(whatever he was praying for)" then at the end he closed with "that's it!"
Loved seeing your face and your kids of course... what a sweet photo... and great news on #5... you are crazy but one good mama... wish I could see you.
hahahah well yes maybe crazy! But I am loving life! How can I not when I am literally queen of the house? In about 5 years I will get massages from 6 men, whenever I want! How great is that?!?!
So fun photos!! Congrats on baby #5! Can't say I know anything about diapers...although one of my friends potty trained her infant (they make baby potties) and loved it - she's been diaper free for a year!
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