We discovered a tiny lizard in our house the other evening. Kai, our third, was determined to catch it and catch it he did. Then he picked it up proudly and showed it to me and said in his most adorable voice with many speech issues..."Mommy I want to keep it for my pet."
I thought YAY, my son is awesome he picked up a lizard and liked it, he isn't too cityfied......but I also thought...NO WAY are you keeping that thing in my house!!!
But I explained to him that we do not have an adequate place for him to live, he would miss his Mommy and we do not know how to feed and take care of him so he would probably die if we kept him...or her...

Brayden is our dare devil! He started climbing and hanging off of things at an early age. Flips off the diving board before he could even swim well. He doesn't give any thought to the stunts either...such as, "could I break my leg if I attempt this"...no he just runs headlong into whatever catches his fancy and figures out later whether it was worth it or not.
Kai, follows in his footsteps of being a dare devil and trying new and exciting things. As long as he is in conrtol. He doesn't care for stunts that involve other people making him do something but if he can jump off of it, or climb it he is right behind Brayden.
But TATE....he keeps me on my toes! I really wanted to title this blog ~
"A day in my life with Tate"
So here you go...it will not even come close to comparing with an actual day with him...but you can get a glimpse
DAY 1 ~
I found him locked in the bathroom, while he was trying to go potty. I thought after several minutes I should probably check on him
I had to unlock the door from outside, and when I opened the door I found the floor soaking wet, he had the toilet brush out on the floor, he was soaked, and the toilet was soaked...I do not even need to explain where all the water came from!
While making lunch he gets so excited...he says "Not ready yet..." about 20 times...and runs around, then he tells me he will get the jelly. I told him no...then there he is in the fridge before I can get him and drops the entire glass jelly jar on the tile floor....do not need to explain the results!
Again, while making one of his many trips to the bathroom, I decide to check on him and find.... him sitting on the potty with a bottle of toothpaste in hand, squeezing away....inside the toilet is about half of the contents
I cannot even tell you how many bottles of soap we have gone through with ihm, EVERYTIME he gest his hands on them he empties all contents into bathtub.
DAY 2 ~
(This is today)
While making another potty trip (I am telling you we have several hundred a day) he calls me and points his finger at me and says "Look"
When I move closer to find out what it is....it is POOP! There is also wet toilet paper on his finger which led me to believe he had been "fishing" in the toilet.
During lunch while my back was turned for a second....I turn back around to find him with the bottle of Arm and hammer baking soda from the fridge dispensing the contents into the shelf of the fridge as well as all over the floor!
Gets his own cereal box out of cabinet, the box is about two of him...and proceeds to open it stick his fat little fist into Cocoa pebbles and bring it out with as large a handful as he can grab...now people you know what happens when anyone, much less a child, grabs a handful of cocoa pebbles.....more than are left in the hand spill on the floor!!! You just can't grab handfuls of those things!
Those are just the events I can remember!!! I am convinced I blot out many more from my mind or I would go insane......Every day is like this with him. I cannot let him out of my sight to do anything....well it is plain to see he cannot got he bathroom without supervision or the fridge....disaster everytime!!!

This is our child who will DO anything!!!! Yes and we as a family will do just about anything for something FREE!!! LOL....Chich fil a wear your favorite sports team and get a free sandwich! So Casey, our poilitican, doesn't want to show favortism so he sports both Texas and A&M, No one said anything to him either!!!
Adorable photos Ashley! I LOVE his shorts in the last photo but his shirt, not so much! Gig 'em! Such a sweet life in the world of little ones! :-)
Thank you....I know I know...we have a few Aggies in our family and then we have Texas supporters. So they get both sides of the fence...LOL!!!
Love it.... love the photos.
love this pos, and amazing photos! I have 2 bouys and my sis has 3 (no girls) and so we know what it's like! love it :)
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