So where did I leave you...Oh yeah...Tate's room! We discovered the roof had a huge hole letting all the rain from Ike come through the roof and YADA YADA YADA....When we walked in the room we felt the soaked carpet, saw water spots covering the ceiling and the wall was bubbled from all the water that came in. What a project we had in store.
Now as a sidenote: We were hoping for a new roof...but we hadn't asked for a new room as well...if we could have asked I think we would have chosen a differnt one....Tate's room was the only room in the house I had recently changed and I had done it the way I like. I have a good and bad habit. I like to save money but I also have a problem with settling. I settle because it is chepaer not because I like it and then end up hating it. I have not ever really decorated our hosue because we have not had the money to invest in furniture we like. And every piece of furniture we have besides our bed and kitchen tabe was given to us....so I can't be too picky but sometiems I have a hard time being content because I want to choose something because I love it not because it fits in our budget. And because we do not have furniture I have chosen I also have not decorated according to my taste but instead what was.....you guessed...cheapest! But finally I had a little extra money with the nursery job so when I was pregnant with Tate I bought new bedding and got an amazing deal at the same time. I truly loved it and saved money. I found it in ebay. I decorated around it and loved the room. I still did not go out and just choose whatever I wanted but I had a theme I liked. The walls were a light shade of khaki, with a white trim. Very neutral. I had Dark choc brown and this awesome blue, a very modern manly color of blue to off set the neutrals. It was beautiful...minus the stars that were on teh ceiling from the previous decorating that Iw as too lazy to paint over... so they remained much to my chagrin! But Oh well! So when I saw the disaster in this room I loved so much I was a little sad....but I also saw it as a way to get those darn stars off!!!
Back to story......
I immediately called our insurance company knowing they would be off the wall busy with Ike stories and I didn't want to be on the bottom of paperwork. Because we had a hole in our roof we were priority 4, which was the highest status so they would get to us as quickly as they could...it ended up being another week almost. But I know they were swamped.
This is Saturday about 2:00, we have NOT slept all night at our church with 350 people, although we were fed and had electricity, we have surveyed damage on house and discovered a lot more than we had anticipated, and now we are really not sure what to do. We had originally planned on staying at the church one more night, it was supposed to be available. But after hearing and seeing the damage we really thought electricity would be out for AWHILE and we could not move into the Church....or could we, you know we never asked....HAHA
We decided I should take the boys to SA and stay for the week and see how things came together. We had our cruise scheduled for the next weekend and now Galveston is crushed so we have no idea whether our ship is still sailing. We were told many different stories, that we could not get a refund even if they changed the port to New Orleans so we thought we may have to drive there.....and they do not reimburse for travel....I will save that outcome for later....
We went back to the Church to get our stuff so we could head to SA and were told even if we had wanted to the church was no longer available because they were running out of generator fluid and would be out within an hour. Good thing we were leaving. David chose to stay at the house and clean the yard while he had a few days off....no one knew how long it would be, they were hoping to resume classes by Wednesday... but that was not realistic.
I packed our bags, all of our stuff in one huge bag and another smaller bag with a few extra items. David loaded the car for us and we headed out. We arrived at my sisters house after 8:00 so we were worn out and ready to get out of the car. After we ate our dinner we unloaded the car...you know the entire house....HAHA, when traveling with kids it feels like the house is packed! So I took out our one smal bag, the pack and play, diaper bag, boys blankets and pillows....UMMMMMMM where is our bag??? The bag I had ALL of our stuff in?!?!? It is not in the car anywhere! Oh yeah...my husband packed the car! So a few mintues later I make THE call, I dial my husband and while the phone is ringing I am chanting
Be Nice, Be Nice Be Nice!!!! Whew, that was hard!
But I was nice.....he did have my bag! All of our clothes and shoes, diapers, wipes, toothbrushes...! We had a few peices of clothing that did not match and I had my bag with make-up and hair products. Oh well!
It was quite a week...my sister and her husband also have 4 children, so we have 8 children 8 and under in one house! YIKES!!!! Kudos to her family for letting us stay. While there for the week we enjoyed time with cousins, visited friends and had school...because now it is mobile, much to my kids chagrin! The entire time I was in SA we were at a loss as to our plan. We had no idea when the power would come back on and they were saying 3-5 weeks. On Tuesday my Dad traveled to our home to help my husband patch the roof to keep rain out until the insurance company could get an appraisal.
sorry folks
Goodness, what a story!! So sad that you bag was missing. Tate's room was soooo cute! Let me know if you want help re-decorating...we still have extra paint from when we redid the house...you could probalby find a color you love and make it better than ever!
Whew... I am tired just reading your story and 8 children under 8 wow... I am impressed that you can even document this story... can't wait for part 3
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